코로나19 대응을 위한 재택수업 기간 연장 안내 Continued Implementation of Precautionary Measures in Response to
COVID-19 - Online course period to be
extended 为应对新型肺炎网课期限延长通知
○ 재택수업 기간
연장 ○ CNU has decided to extend the remote
offering of the courses until the end of the
semester. ○ 网课期限延长
- (기존) ‘20. 3. 16.(월) ~ 4. 24.(금) →
(변경) ‘20. 1학기말까지 - (Before) ‘20. 3. 16.(Mon) ~ 4. 24.(Fri) → (After) Until the End of semester - (原计划) ‘20. 3.
16.(周一)~ 4. 24.(周五) → (变更) 20年第一学期末
※ 재택수업 기간 단축 시 1주일 전에 공지 ※ Online courses may be
discontinued upon the changes in the COVID-19 spread. A notice to this
effect will be provided one week prior to the